
Health Conditions and Disability Insurance Claims: Are you Eligible for Disability Benefits?

The Social Security Administration keeps a list of medical-related impairments that automatically qualifies a person for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). In case your health condition is on the SSA’s list of impairments, you can consider yourself disabled, and that means you are eligible for disability benefits. Even when your symptoms don’t appear in this list, there is a chance you are eligible under other guidelines.

The list of impairments – the Blue Book

The Social Security Administration’s list of impairments is dived down by function or bodily system. That means there is a list for adults and a separate list for kids. So check the right list just be sure of the conditions that qualify for LTD.

The list of health conditions for kids under the age of 18 is identical to that of adults. Note that growth impairment is the only health-related condition covered for kids that don’t appear in the list of impairments for adults. 

If a medical condition isn’t on the SSA list…

You may still be eligible for SSI or SSDI if specific criteria are met. The health condition must be medically classified as impairment. It should have been a subject of clinical lab testing and properly documented by a certified medical expert (a specialist).

Besides, the health condition must limit your overall RFC (Residual Functional Capacity), which is determined by analyzing the most demanding work that you can still handle despite your health-related limitations. Depending on your RFC, a disability claims expert will establish your exertional level. This level varies from sedentary work to complex and heavy work. This analysis is usually based on the amount of weight you can lift.

The claim examiner may also consider non-exertional limitations such as your ability to bend down, climb, ability to cope with depression or anxiety, and environmental limitations. Your medical reports, history, and your RFC will be considered to establish whether or not your health condition makes you eligible for disability benefits.

Necessary medical evidence

If you suffered disabilities, you should have the right medical reports and other important pieces of evidence to support your disability insurance claim.

  • Treatment reports and notes
  • X-rays
  • Physician examination
  • MRI
  • Blood work panels
  • X-rays
  • Mental health reports

Note that the medical evidence should be recent and encompass the period from when you suffered the disabilities to the present time. Besides, your healthcare records should clearly show your health condition is severe and prevents you from handling your duties at work.

Seek professional help

Determining whether or not your medical condition qualifies for disability benefits is a confusing process. Therefore, it would be better if you consulted with a professional who understands the disability and the related laws. 

An experienced attorney can help you figure out whether or not you are eligible for disability benefits, help you file a claim, and work in your best interest to ensure that you get disability benefits.