
Reasons to avoid the latest Windows 10 update

If you’re conscientious about keeping you PC or laptop up to speed with the most current patches and security, you probably do not think twice about updating as soon as Windows rolls out its latest upgrade. This is generally considered best practices by most computer owners. However, you might want to hold off on this latest update. Tech experts say that that there are a few bugs and kinks to worked out; in fact, some of these could leave your computer in somewhat worse shape than it was in before the update. Whatever you decide to do ensure you backup your files and have a full data recovery plan. Consider contacting your local PC repair specialist to ask for their advice if you run into large scale problems.

Remote Desktop Protocol

The recent Windows 10 patch causes the following error message to flash: “This could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation.” This indicates a possible conflict or mismatch between the previous and current patches. In turn, the conflict is due to the user’s servers not being successfully updated with the new patches. Simply patching the servers should solve this issue.

1803 Bricks

A far larger issue involved the 1803 patch update. It caused bricking in any computer with an Intel SSD6 drive. While several improvements have been made to make 1803 more computer-friendly, it still has its issues and hangups. These include instances of peripheral lockups, particularly those connected to Surface Studio, as well as causing laptop batteries to drain faster post 1803 installation.A suggested aversion to this is to have Windows Update installed, set your device’s connection to metered, and to revert back to the Windows 1709 update if this problem arises.

BSOD-Blank Screen of Death

A number of Windows 10 users have reported that during the “Restart and install”, they find themselves seeing a blank, icon-less desktop. This is then followed by an error message stating that the Desktop file cannot be accessed. Targets of this glitch mostly consist of users with the Avast anti-virus installed, so it is recommended that they uninstall this program prior to installing the patch. Barring this preventative measure (for those already dealing with this issue), the only known reliable remedy is for the user to completely reinstall Windows 10 from scratch, although there is some reported success of simply rolling back to a point before the update for some users.

There is a laundry list of 1803 related issues, bugs, and glitches, but these are the top 3 among users who have installed this patch. Avoiding installation seems to be the best course of action.