Building a tennis court involves a lot of planning and a little creativity. You’ll need to choose the space on your property that works best for a tennis court and work with a qualified construction company to make sure that the court is the right size and shape. Once you are aware of these details, you can leave the construction work up to the professionals and you’ll have a beautiful place to play tennis in a short amount of time.
Be sure to have the ground tested in the area where you want to build the tennis court. Make sure that the ground is solid and will provide a sturdy foundation for the court. If the ground is hilly or slightly elevated, it may be best to choose another location or to have a landscaper level the land before the tennis court is constructed. A landscaper can also tell you whether the ground will sink in due to constantly wet weather or extremely cold conditions. This will let you know how to care for the tennis court once it is constructed as well.
Your tennis court contractor will then measure the area where you want to have the tennis court construction and give you the perimeter specifications. This part of the process is also necessary if you’ve purchased a property that already has a tennis court and want to make it larger or smaller. The court should be spacious enough for you and your colleagues or loved ones to enjoy an entertaining game, but not so large that it becomes difficult to maintain, or you don’t have room to install other amenities in your yard.
Once the perimeter of the tennis court has been determined and the asphalt is laid, you should also ask the contractor if special types of concrete are needed to fill in any sunken areas of the tennis court. You may also want to ask about protective covering for your tennis court. This coating will keep the court safe during snow or rain, and you can even have it customized to feature the theme colors of your business or the decorative theme of your residential property. Creative tennis court contractors may also be able to include your company logo or your family’s monogram in the center of the tennis court to further personalize this addition to your property.
Think about the additional features that you want on the tennis court as well. You may want to have benches installed on one or both ends of the tennis court. This provides a comfortable place for friends and family to watch you play or for colleagues to wait their turn for a game. Many tennis courts also have lighting in the corners of the court, which makes it easier to see during the evening hours. This feature definitely comes in handy if you live in an area where the weather is very warm in the spring and summer and you’d rather play tennis when the temperature is cooler.
For more information on tennis court construction, compare the prices and services of local professionals and make your final choice based on the builders you feel most comfortable with.